Exam Stuff

Q4 ELA Exam Study Guide - 2021

Figurative Language

Read the sentence and identify the figurative language or purpose/explanation.

Idioms _______________________________________________________________

Personification _________________________________________________________

Hyperbole ____________________________________________________________

Metaphor _____________________________________________________________

Simile _____________________________________________________________

Allusion _____________________________________________________________

Alliteration ____________________________________________________________

Onomatopoeia _________________________________________________________

Oxymoron ____________________________________________________________



Poetry Terms/Definitions

  1. Sestet - a group of ____________ lines of verse
  2. Couplet- a stanza consisting of ___________ successive lines of verse
  3. Octave- a rhythmic group of _____________ lines of verse
  4. Ballad - A song or song-like poem that tells a _________________
  5. Epic - A __________________ narrative poem that is written in heightened language and tells stories of the deeds of a _______________ character who embodies that values of a society.
  6. Limerick - A very short humorous or nonsensical poem with ________________ lines.
  7. Ode - A lyric poem, rhymed or unrhymed, on a serious subject. These are typically addressed to ______ person/thing
  8. Quatrain - A poem or stanza of ____________ lines.
  9. Sonnet - A ___________-line poem, usually written in iambic pentameter. Made famous by ________________________________
  10. Stanza - A group of consecutive lines in a poem that form a single unit. It is comparable to a ______________________ in an essay.
  11. Haiku - Short poem of _______________________ origins, frequently ________ syllables in length in three lines and about nature. (5 syllables, 7 syllables, 5 syllables)
  12. Free Verse - Rhythmical lines, usually unrhymed, that vary in length and follow ___________ strict metrical pattern.
  13. Light Verse - Playful poetry that combines whimsy with mild satire. _________________________________ are light verse.
  14. Symbol - an object, person, or idea that stands for something beyond itself.
  15. Narrative Poetry - tells a _______________________________.

Green Angel __________________________________________________________


Narrator _____________________________________________________________

Plot _____________________________________________________________

Theme _____________________________________________________________

Central Idea ___________________________________________________________

Climax _____________________________________________________________

Conclusion/Resolution  _________________________________________________


Green Witch  _________________________________________________________


Narrator ______________________________________________________________

Plot _____________________________________________________________

Theme _____________________________________________________________

Central Idea ___________________________________________________________

Climax _____________________________________________________________

Conclusion/Resolution  _________________________________________________


Reading Passage(s) with questions.


Public Speaking


Q4 Exam

ALWG Exam Review Warm Up

Nurse that becomes his "temporary sister"
American storyteller who eventually becomes his "adoptive mother" _
Ishmael's nickname during the war

Name of Ishmael's oldest cousin (they go to the pub together)
What was the first weapon given to Ishmael?
Whom does he blame for not reaching his family?

Name the Figurative Language . . .

Gives something non-human life/human characteristics

Comparison using like or as                   Comparison not using like or as

Repetition of first consonants (Charlotte crawled like a crab)

An exaggeration                                   Sound words



Q1 Final Exam Study Guide 

  • Verbals
    • Participles ________________________________________________________________________
    • Infinitives ________________________________________________________________________
    • Gerunds __________________________________________________________________________

Author’s Style

  1. Author’s purpose--the author’s reason or intent for writing (amuse the reader, persuade the reader, inform the reader, or satirize a situation)
  2. Colloquialism--a word or phrase that is not formal or literary, typically one that is used in ordinary or familiar conversation
  3. Historical context--social, religious, political, and economic conditions that existed during a certain time and place
  4. Style--a writer’s style includes word choice, tone, degree of formality, figurative language, rhythm, grammatical structure, sentence length, organization---in short, every feature of a writer’s use of language.
  5. Memoir--a historical account or biography written from personal knowledge or special sources
  6. Annotation--a note of explanation or comment added to a text or diagram
  7. Autobiography--a form of nonfiction in which a person tells his or her own life story. Autobiographies often include most of the elements of good fiction: interesting stories and events, well-developed characters, and vivid description of settings.
  8. Mood--atmosphere or feeling created in the reader by a literary work or passage. Elements that can influence the mood of a work include its setting, tone, and events.
  9. Tone--the writer’s attitude toward his or her subject, characters, or audience. A writer’s tone may be formal or informal, friendly or distant, personal or pompous.
  10.  Diction--a writer’s or speaker’s word choice. Diction is part of a writer’s style and may be described as formal or informal, plain or ornate, common or technical, abstract or concrete.


  • Author’s Purpose
    • Persuade __________________________________________________________________________
    • Inform __________________________________________________________________________
    • Entertain __________________________________________________________________________


  • Plot Diagram
    • Rising Action __________________________________________________________________________
    • Falling Action _________________________________________________________________________
    • Resolution__________________________________________________________________________
    • Climax __________________________________________________________________________


  • Short Story Elements
    • Theme __________________________________________________________________________
    • Topic__________________________________________________________________________
    • Central Idea __________________________________________________________________________
    • Tone & Mood _________________________________________________________________________


  • Conflict
    • Man Vs. Man __________________________________________________________________________
    • Man Vs. Self __________________________________________________________________________
    • Man Vs. Nature ________________________________________________________________________
    • Man Vs. Society ________________________________________________________________________
    • Man Vs. Technology/Extraterrestrial _______________________________________________________


Q2 ELA Exam Study Guide - 2020

  • Supporting details, claim, argument – read a passage and determine
  • Irony - Define the four types of irony
    • Verbal _____________________________________________________________
    • Dramatic ___________________________________________________________
    • Situational __________________________________________________________
    • Socratic ____________________________________________________________
  • Figurative Language - read a sentence or passage and identify the type of figurative language being used. 
    • Metaphor ________________________________________________________________
    • Personification ____________________________________________________________
    • Onomatopoeia ____________________________________________________________
    • Allusion __________________________________________________________________
    • Simile ___________________________________________________________________
    • Alliteration _______________________________________________________________
  • Central Idea
  • Denotation_____________________________________________________________________
  • Connotation ___________________________________________________________________
    • Read a sentence and determine if the word being used is positive or negative. Replace words to make them positive or negative. Write the sentence here:  _________________

Examples: Read the sentences below. Can you identify the words that have a negative connotation? (be able to change them to positive connotation)

  1. Bedford is a gritty neighborhood, but rents are low.
  2. On my flight to Los Angeles, I sat next to this babe. She was absolutely stunning.
  3. Every morning my neighbor takes his mutt to the park. It always barks loudly when leaving the building.
  4. You need to be pushy when you are looking for a job.
  5. Bob is bullheaded sometimes, but he always gets the job done.
  • Sequencing (put sentences together in order to make the best claim or argument)
  • Tone _________________________________________________________________________
  • Mood _________________________________________________________________________
  • Thesis Statements: ______________________________________________________________
  • Central Conflict: ________________________________________________________________

Identify the type of irony being used.

  1. A marriage counselor files for divorce.
  2. If someone got into a fender bender and said, “Guess today’s my lucky day . . .”
  3. The police station gets robbed.
  4. A traffic cop gets his license suspended because of unpaid parking tickets.
  5. A woman thinks he boyfriend is acting strangely because he’s about to propose, but the audience knows he is planning to run away with another woman, intensifying emotions.
  6. In a scary movie, the character goes into a house they think is empty, but the audience knows the killer is in the house. This increases the suspense.
  7. In Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, the audience knows Juliet is in a drugged sleep, so when Romeo thinks she is dead and kills himself (followed by Juliet doing the same) it increases the audience's shock.
  8. Saying, “Oh, fantastic!” when the situation is actually very poor.
  9. A fire station burns down.
  10. Sometimes a person is in disguise and the other character talks with him as if he is someone else. Since this is known by the audience, it adds to the humor of the dialogue.
  11. Sacha Baron Cohen’s satirical characters, such as Ali G and Borat, acted stupid to highlight the ignorance and stupidity of those they talked to.
  12. Your parents pretend not to know you dented the car, and ask a series of seemingly innocent questions that eventually lead to your confession.

Identify the type of figurative language used in the sentences below.

“Time is a thief.”                                                    Her voice is music to his ears.

I’ve told you to clean your room a million times!

I ate so much on Thanksgiving, I weigh more than a whale.

Her smile was a mile wide.                                   Potato chips are my Achilles’ heel.

He’s such a Romeo.                                             You were as brave as a lion.

Laughter is the best medicine.                             This house is as clean as a whistle.

He is as strong as an ox.                                      Sheep should sleep in a shed.

Three grey geese in a field grazing.

“I thought the software would be useful, but it was a Trojan horse.”

Verb Voice and Verb Mood

Active Voice ____________________________             Passive Voice ________________

Conditional Mood ______________________________________________________________________ 

Interrogative Mood _____________________________________________________________________

Subjunctive Mood ______________________________________________________________________

Imperative Mood ______________________________________________________________________

Indicative Mood 



Ellipsis ______________________________________________________________________

Dash ______________________________________________________________________

Comma _____________________________________________________________________



Q3 ELA Exam Study Guide 2021

Tall Tales ____________________________________________________________________________________

Folk Tales  ____________________________________________________________________________________

Fables _________________________________________________________________________________________

Fairytales _______________________________________________________________________________________

Bias  ____________________________________________________________________________________________

Credible Sources  __________________________________________________________________________________

Explicit Vs. Implicit ________________________________________________________________________

Text Structure (you will read a passage and determine the type of text structure)

Chronological/Sequential  ___________________________________________________________________________

Descriptive/Spatial  ________________________________________________________________________________

Compare/Contrast  _________________________________________________________________________________

Cause/Effect  ____________________________________________________________________________________

Problem/Solution  __________________________________________________________________________________

Greek and Latin Roots  _____________________________________________________________________________

Prefixes  __________________________________________________________________________________________

Common Examples ____________________________________________________________

Suffixes  __________________________________________________________________________________________

Common Examples ____________________________________________________________

Allusions  ____________________________________________________________________________________

Examples of allusions ______________________________________________________________________________

Various reading passages with comprehension questions

Review for the exam using IXL : Q1-Q8, R1-R4, D1-D4

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"In teaching others we teach ourselves"  - Proverb

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